Our goal is to raise $30K to support our youth hockey programming, public open skates & adult hockey in the Flathead Valley! We raise funds through donations, sponsorship, tournaments and gear sales.
Sponsorship packages 2024-2025
MITES $500 SPONSOR PLACEMENT COMPANY LOGO on the sponsor page of our website.
SQUIRT $750 COMPANY LOGO on the sponsor page of our website SMALL logo on sponsorship banner hung at the rink for 2024-2025 season
SPONSOR BOARD AD $1000 ANNUAL SPONSOR BOARD AD includes COMPANY LOGO on the boards at the RINK. Requires annual renewal price of $800!
PEEWEE $1,500 COMPANY LOGO on the home page of our website MEDIUM SPONSORSHIP RECOGNITION logo on sponsorship banner hung at the rink for 2024-2025 season
BANTAM $2,000 COMPANY LOGO on the home page of our website LARGE SPONSORSHIP RECOGNITION logo on sponsorship banner hung at the rink for 2024-25 season RINK BOARD 3x5 advertisement for 2024-2025
TOURNAMENT $2,000 SPONSORSHIP 2x3 sign showcased during tournament MEDIUM SPONSORSHIP RECOGNITION on sponsorship banner hung at the rink for 2024-2025 season.
FOR A TEAM $5,000+ LARGE SPONSORSHIP RECOGNITION sponsorship plus TEAM JERSEYS printed with company RINK BOARD 3x5 advertisement for the 2024-2025 season.
FOR THE CRAFT BREWERS CUP $5,000+ SPONSORSHIP 2x3 signs showcased during the tournament. COMPANY LOGO on the home page of our website LARGE SPONSORSHIP RECOGNITION logo on sponsorship banner hung at the rink for 2024-25 season.
Corporate Sponsorship Information
& Packages 2024-25 Season!
Help support FVHA by taking advantage of one of our sponsor packages!